Nami Nakagawa

Vocalist / Lyricist / Composer / Voice Over
Nami Nakagawa is a composer, lyricist, and vocalist residing in Uwajima City, Japan. She began playing the piano at age three and explored physical expressions of music through classical ballet as a child. She joined the choral club and choir at age ten, performing as a soloist, and went on to acquire a Chuden (high-class award granted by the master) in the Azuma style of min'yo, a traditional Japanese folk chorus.

After joining the Shakespeare Theatre Company (in Japan) and working as a stage actress, she switched careers, focusing on voice acting and narrating. Her career as a singer began with the internet game, AXE BUSTERS, and she quickly made a name for herself as a versatile performer in many different vocal styles, including chorus, opera chorus, children's chorus, and male tenor chorus, among others. Nakagawa's experience with Japanese traditional folk has resulted in her being sought out around the world, with a range of over three octaves.

Later, she gained acclaim for her chorus work on both award-winning soundtracks to NIER and NIER: AUTOMATA, and one of the most iconic and notable moment of her career was singing "Possessed by Disease" from the latter on stage using several different voices. Nakagawa has been an active collaborator of former Namco Bandai composer Go Shiina, utilizing her ethnic vocal stylings on the titles such as TEKKEN, TALES OF ZESTIRIA, GOD EATER, and HARVESTELLA. In 2019, Nakagawa was a featured artist on the soundtrack to the mega hit animation, DEMON SLAYER, performing as lead vocalist on the fan-favorite song, "Song of Kamado Tanjiro."

In addition to composing, writing lyrics, and recording vocals, Nakagawa also provides voice over narration and can even provide male choral work provided by her partner.

Following the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan and during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, Nakagawa has been active in local charity work and hopes her voice can bring solace to listeners around the world. Her achievements and ongoing charity work earned her an appointment as a tourism ambassador for Ehime Prefecture and as a cultural ambassador of Uwajima City, Japan.

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Selected Videogame Credits
HARVESTALLA (2022) Vocals, Choir
NieR Replicant ver. 1.2247 (2021) Lyrics, Vocals
Taiko no Tatsujin: Yakitoumorokoshi (2018) Vocals
NieR: Automata (2017) Lyrics, Vocals
TEKKEN 7(2016) Vocals, Choir
Tales of Zestiria (2015) Choir
Drakengard 3 (2014) Vocals
Taiko no Tatsujin: Donderful! (2011) Vocals, Choir
God Eater (2010) Vocals, Choir
NieR: Gestalt/Replicant (2010) Lyrics, Vocals
TEKKEN 6 (2009) Vocals

Han-Gyaku-Sei Million Arthur: Geki-Ban-Sei Million Arthur (2017) Lyrics, Vocals
Yuki Yuna wa Yuusha de Aru: Washio Sumi no Shou (2017) Vocals, Choir
God Eater (2016) Choir